Quite simply one of the most important ways we can help you is with attendance at travel shows within China. In 2019 we attended 14 separate shows throughout the country and assisted clients at each.
We have different options available ranging from simple networking with local agents and tour operators to a full stand with Chinese staff for direct sales.
With our On-Road team in China we offer a huge amount of experience at a variety of events both B2B and B2C working for a number of clients. We can ensure your participation in these events are valuable and productive. We provide all levels of representation from event attendance, with full meeting and sales reports and activities undertaken to fully managing the event presence from appointment management, client outreach and hosting of events. We also offer a full translation service at Chinese trade shows and would be delighted to have a trained, bilingual member of our Beijing office working alongside someone from your team.
Some of the events we attend annually include:
ILTM China;
ITB China;
SWTF Shanghai World Travel Fair;
CMT Nanjing;
The Guangzhou International Travel Fair;
ITE Hong Kong International Travel Expo Hong Kong;
CITM China International Travel Mart;
The CITE Chengdu International Tourism Expo.
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